65 research outputs found

    Non-negative sparse coding

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    Non-negative sparse coding is a method for decomposing multivariate data into non-negative sparse components. In this paper we briefly describe the motivation behind this type of data representation and its relation to standard sparse coding and non-negative matrix factorization. We then give a simple yet efficient multiplicative algorithm for finding the optimal values of the hidden components. In addition, we show how the basis vectors can be learned from the observed data. Simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Non-negative matrix factorization with sparseness constraints

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    Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a recently developed technique for finding parts-based, linear representations of non-negative data. Although it has successfully been applied in several applications, it does not always result in parts-based representations. In this paper, we show how explicitly incorporating the notion of `sparseness' improves the found decompositions. Additionally, we provide complete MATLAB code both for standard NMF and for our extension. Our hope is that this will further the application of these methods to solving novel data-analysis problems

    Probabilistic models of early vision

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    How do our brains transform patterns of light striking the retina into useful knowledge about objects and events of the external world? Thanks to intense research into the mechanisms of vision, much is now known about this process. However, we do not yet have anything close to a complete picture, and many questions remain unanswered. In addition to its clinical relevance and purely academic significance, research on vision is important because a thorough understanding of biological vision would probably help solve many major problems in computer vision. A major framework for investigating the computational basis of vision is what might be called the probabilistic view of vision. This approach emphasizes the general importance of uncertainty and probabilities in perception and, in particular, suggests that perception is tightly linked to the statistical structure of the natural environment. This thesis investigates this link by building statistical models of natural images, and relating these to what is known of the information processing performed by the early stages of the primate visual system. Recently, it was suggested that the response properties of simple cells in the primary visual cortex could be interpreted as the result of the cells performing an independent component analysis of the natural visual sensory input. This thesis provides some further support for that proposal, and, more importantly, extends the theory to also account for complex cell properties and the columnar organization of the primary visual cortex. Finally, the application of these methods to predicting neural response properties further along the visual pathway is considered. Although the models considered account for only a relatively small part of known facts concerning early visual information processing, it is nonetheless a rather impressive amount considering the simplicity of the models. This is encouraging, and suggests that many of the intricacies of visual information processing might be understood using fairly simple probabilistic models of natural sensory input.reviewe

    Experiment Selection for Causal Discovery

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    Randomized controlled experiments are often described as the most reliable tool available to scientists for discovering causal relationships among quantities of interest. However, it is often unclear how many and which different experiments are needed to identify the full (possibly cyclic) causal structure among some given (possibly causally insufficient) set of variables. Recent results in the causal discovery literature have explored various identifiability criteria that depend on the assumptions one is able to make about the underlying causal process, but these criteria are not directly constructive for selecting the optimal set of experiments. Fortunately, many of the needed constructions already exist in the combinatorics literature, albeit under terminology which is unfamiliar to most of the causal discovery community. In this paper we translate the theoretical results and apply them to the concrete problem of experiment selection. For a variety of settings we give explicit constructions of the optimal set of experiments and adapt some of the general combinatorics results to answer questions relating to the problem of experiment selection

    Statistical model of natural stimuli predicts edge-like pooling of spatial frequency channels in V2

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    BACKGROUND: It has been shown that the classical receptive fields of simple and complex cells in the primary visual cortex emerge from the statistical properties of natural images by forcing the cell responses to be maximally sparse or independent. We investigate how to learn features beyond the primary visual cortex from the statistical properties of modelled complex-cell outputs. In previous work, we showed that a new model, non-negative sparse coding, led to the emergence of features which code for contours of a given spatial frequency band. RESULTS: We applied ordinary independent component analysis to modelled outputs of complex cells that span different frequency bands. The analysis led to the emergence of features which pool spatially coherent across-frequency activity in the modelled primary visual cortex. Thus, the statistically optimal way of processing complex-cell outputs abandons separate frequency channels, while preserving and even enhancing orientation tuning and spatial localization. As a technical aside, we found that the non-negativity constraint is not necessary: ordinary independent component analysis produces essentially the same results as our previous work. CONCLUSION: We propose that the pooling that emerges allows the features to code for realistic low-level image features related to step edges. Further, the results prove the viability of statistical modelling of natural images as a framework that produces quantitative predictions of visual processing

    Combining experiments to discover linear cyclic models with latent variables

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    Volume: Vol 9 : AISTATS 2010 Host publication title: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and StatisticsPeer reviewe

    Noisy-OR Models with Latent Confounding

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    Given a set of experiments in which varying subsets of observed variables are subject to intervention, we consider the problem of identifiability of causal models exhibiting latent confounding. While identifiability is trivial when each experiment intervenes on a large number of variables, the situation is more complicated when only one or a few variables are subject to intervention per experiment. For linear causal models with latent variables Hyttinen et al. (2010) gave precise conditions for when such data are sufficient to identify the full model. While their result cannot be extended to discrete-valued variables with arbitrary cause-effect relationships, we show that a similar result can be obtained for the class of causal models whose conditional probability distributions are restricted to a `noisy-OR' parameterization. We further show that identification is preserved under an extension of the model that allows for negative influences, and present learning algorithms that we test for accuracy, scalability and robustness

    Discovering Cyclic Causal Models with Latent Variables: A General SAT-Based Procedure

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    We present a very general approach to learning the structure of causal models based on d-separation constraints, obtained from any given set of overlapping passive observational or experimental data sets. The procedure allows for both directed cycles (feedback loops) and the presence of latent variables. Our approach is based on a logical representation of causal pathways, which permits the integration of quite general background knowledge, and inference is performed using a Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solver. The procedure is complete in that it exhausts the available information on whether any given edge can be determined to be present or absent, and returns "unknown" otherwise. Many existing constraint-based causal discovery algorithms can be seen as special cases, tailored to circumstances in which one or more restricting assumptions apply. Simulations illustrate the effect of these assumptions on discovery and how the present algorithm scales.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2013